Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I believe that podcasts are the way of the future. Nearly every member of Gen Y has an ipod or similar device. And, as Gen Y is our next generation of leaders and decision makers it is this group who we want to appeal too!

Podcasts could be used in library as a distribution tool for local community services. Or for information for how to use the library and the services it offers which can be made available in multi-lingual formats, helping to achieve effective communication where a language barrier may have been prohibitive. In this sense podcasts can also allow librarians to provide better services as they would be less time poor in borrower queries as some could be simply solved by lending an ipod or similar with the information in a step-by-step format for that borrower to use. An example may be providing information and navigation in the use of the online databases.

And this would be just the beginning!

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