What I like about Wiki's is the ability for numerous people to contribute to one topic. Its like a virtual classroom except there isn't the issue of real time conversation, so you can be in a different state, a different country, a different timezone but still all be contributing to the one common item. People can contribute to topics as much or as little as they like!
The other thing I think is amazing is that all changes can be dated so your wiki can be like your own little evolving creature.
I think wiki's like Booklovers by Priceton Library are a fantastic idea. Imagine being able to broadcast information from the readers advisory team or having the library bookclub regularly updating a wiki so all borrowers could have access to the different reviews on items, find out what items are new, as well as see the services on offer by the library and become more involved.
The idea of having an industry wiki is also appealing because I am a firm believer that knowledge sharing is a key factor for success. Knowing what other's have found to be sucessful practice would be beneficial in trying new things and could help people like myself make contributions to improve the libraries' services and even encourage professional development.
Looking forward to meaningfully contributing to one myself!