What I like about RSS and Newsreaders is that you have information available to you without having to spend time browsing for it - which is exactly it's purpose! Not often these days a concept matches the solution exactly!You will find following the sites I chose for my Bloglines page and why:
- ABS Bloglines for Librarians - I selected this site as it was recommended and I feel that if you want to get anywhere in your career; listening to the recommendations of the experts is a good place to start!
- Dictionary.com Word of the Day - This site was of interest as I have felt that as I am getting older and spend more time away from the classroom my vocabulary seems to be diminishing, so I am hopeful this site will help build it again!
- iTunes top 25 songs - This was chosen as an interest and because I have a terrible memory and can never remember who sings the current songs I like!
- Librarians Internet Index: New This week - This site was chosen because I feel that you need to be up to date in your industry if you want to be successfull.
- Powerhouse Museum Photo of the Day - Again selected as it was a reccommended site but I love the work the Powerhouse do so this was an interest site for me anyway!
- Quotes Of The Day - Again, another site selected to keep the brain stimulated!
- The Shifted Librarian - I selected this tool even though it is US based it will help give a concept of the librarian in the changing technological world.
All in all I found this topic of RSS feeds new and interesting! I hadn't even blogged before taking on Web 2.0 and the the concept of RSS had never even crossed my mind (but i had always wondered what the orange button on sites was for)!
I think if Libraries could find a way to use RSS to keep borrowers up to date with activities and events aswell new release items it would appeal to those who are embracing these new technologies and maybe even draw more borrowers to join!